Category | Customer Service

Wipaire Part & Equipment Sales

New Parts Sales

We offer parts support on all Cessna models as well as many other aircraft. Parts include AN, NAS, and MS hardware plus thousands of other aircraft and float parts that can be delivered overnight. We use Federal Express, United Parcel Service, and many other carrier options to ensure your delivery arrives to you at the lowest cost and fastest way possible.


Dave Hirsch

Technical Support & Parts Sales

(651) 306-0455


Jordan Lehr

Part Sales Representative

(651) 209-7183


New Parts Catalogs

Download our PDF Part Lists for easy reference when ordering. Click the link to open in your browser or right-click and select “Save Link As” to save to your computer for off-line access. To search a PDF, open the file and then click Ctrl + F on your keyboard and enter your search phrase in the box.

Parts Sales and Support Contact Info

Phone: 651-451-1205
Fax: 651-306-0666


Propellers IN-Stock​

Part # Make Model
F3R00006 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00006 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00006 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00006 Hartzel HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00006 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00006 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23
F3R00012 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23 TURBO Engine
F3R00012 Hartzell HC-F3YR-1RF/F8468A-2R/SM23 TURBO Engine
C3F00123 Hartzell PHC-C3YF-1RF/F8468A-6R/SM7
G3F00013 Hartzell PHC-G3YF-1RF/F8468A2RSM25
C3F30240 Hartzell HC-C3YF-1N/NG8301-1/SM7 (3 BLADE TRAILBLAZER FOR 185)
P2033909-54 McCauley 2A34C203/90DCA-10
P4024809-03 McCauley D3A34C402/90DFA-10

Surplus Parts​

Over 1,000 Surplus Parts & Avionics Now Searchable Online!

Search our inventory of parts and request a quote at these online parts marketplaces. We have avionics, Wipaire proprietary parts, Cessna parts, de Havilland parts, piston and turbo-prop engine parts, and more!


Pre-Owned Floats, Parts and Skis

Our “pre-owned” inventory changes frequently, check back on a regular basis. If you’re interested in purchasing something that is featured on one of these pages, please contact us at (651) 451-1205 or

USed Floats

Used Caravan Parts

No data was found

Used Skis