Category | Modifications

Cessna 206 on Wipline 3450 Floats

Co-Pilot Door

The co-pilot door for the Cessna 206 adds an immense amount of safety and convenience for the front seat passengers of your aircraft by allowing a convenient third way of entering or exiting the aircraft.

This feature is especially desirable when docking on the right side of the aircraft in the case of seaplane operation, and it is also extremely valuable as a way to exit the aircraft in an emergency where the pilot door is jammed or blocked.

The door is manufactured from carbon reinforced composite material and utilizes Cessna manufactured hinges and latches to appear identical to the pilot door. An opera window is installed between the new door and the rear double doors. The door is comprised of an outer aluminum skin and a fiberglass composite inside, with an inner “Royalite”, formed plastic panel.

Portions of your original interior are cut and added to the inside door panel to maintain the inside decor. An armrest and grab handle are also installed. The outside is painted to blend the new door into the fuselage so the outside looks factory original.

Cessna 206 IO-550 Engine Upgrade

One of the most effective ways of enhancing the capability and performance of your 206 is to add an IO-550 engine and Hartzell or McCauley “Power Prop”.

Wipaire was the pioneer in this modification, being the first to recognize its true potential. It provides the ability to use 300+ horsepower continuously, if desired, to realize significant gains in climb and cruise performance. Seaplane operation will notice and appreciate the extra 150 to 175 pounds of additional thrust that the combination provides. It also promotes a “good neighbor” environment because of its significantly lower noise level.

This modification teamed with the Wipline 3450 float provide a 200 lb gross weight increase on most F and G model 206 aircraft. Call us today to learn more about this exciting product that is sure to enhance your investment and your total flying experience.

206 IO-550 Engine Kit Includes:

  • Mount Isolators
  • Mount Bolts
  • Locking Tabs
  • Ground Straps
  • Barrel Nuts
  • Fluid Hose Kit
  • Bushings
  • Spacers
  • Placards
  • Man Pressure/Fuel Flow Gauge (Exchange)
  • Tachometer (Exchange)
  • Paperwork and STC

Boss 182 – IO-580 Engine Conversion

Boss 182 – IO-580 Engine Conversion

Are you ready to fly like a Boss?

If you’re feeling uninspired by the performance of your 182S or T, or maybe your IO-540 is nearing TBO, it’s time to consider the Boss 182™ engine conversion by Wipaire. Our Lycoming IO-580 engine conversion is the most powerful factory-new option available. With 315 hp stock, and up to 340 hp after engine tuning by Ly-Con, your 182 will fly like a whole new airplane.

What’s included in the conversion?

Everything required to put a silly grin on your face every time you push the throttle forward. That means our high-flow tuned exhaust that adds effective horsepower, a variety of propeller options to muscle you into the air, and a firewall beef-up to give you a gross weight increase are all part of the conversion. If you’re on floats or thinking of converting to floats, we offer a heavy-duty seaplane engine mount. The Boss 182 engine conversion is the only late-model engine upgrade approved on floats!

On wheels, you’ll enjoy a gross weight increase to 3,158 lbs. On floats, gross weight increases to 3,370 lbs or 3,500 lbs are available. Climb rates of up to 1,400 fpm (50% greater than stock!) and increased cruise speeds are other benefits you’ll take advantage of with a Boss 182 conversion.

The Boss 182 engine conversion is available for the Cessna 182S and 182T models in both landplane and floatplane configurations.

Boss 182 Standard Configuration Includes:

  • Lycoming IO-580-B1A engine (315 hp stock, up to 340 hp with optional port and polish.)
  • Hartzell Trailblazer propeller w/ spinner
    • 82″ Composite Propeller
  • Digital engine monitor
    • MVP-50 or EDM 930
  • Landplane engine mount (reuse)
  • Overhauled prop governor
  • 60 amp alternator (reuse)
  • Tuned exhaust
  • New vacuum manifold
  • Reuse firewall forward
    • All hoses and lines
    • Engine control cables
  • Installation on wheels includes a gross weight increase to 3,158 lbs take off / 3,000 lbs landing. Installation on Wipline 3000 floats includes a gross weight increase to 3,370 lbs take off / 3,350 lbs landing

Additional Options Include:

  • MT composite propeller w/spinner – MTV-9-B/210-58
  • Remarked analog gauges
  • Rebuild seaplane engine mount
  • New seaplane engine mount
  • New prop governor
  • 90 amp alternator
  • New firewall forward
    • All new hoses and lines
    • New engine control cables

Increase to 340 HP:

The Boss 182 is already an impressive performer but for even more spirited performance owners may elect to have port, polish and flow balance services completed by Ly-Con.

Dyno testing confirms that this can increase total output to 340+ hp!

Gross Weight Increases:

Get the most utility out of your 182. Gross weight increases to 3,500 lbs, 3,370 lbs and 3,250 lbs are available for the Cessna 182. The 3,500 and 3,370 lb gross weight increases boast a greatly improved forward CG envelope that gives you more loading flexibility.
Learn more about our gross weight increases for the 182.

Performance Comparison on Wipline 3000 Floats

IO-580 at 3,100 lb GW IO-540 at 3,100 lb GW
Engine Lycoming IO-580 (315 HP) Lycoming IO-540 (230 HP)
Take off run (land) 808 ft (246 m) 981 ft (299 m)
Take off run over 50 ft obstacle (land) 1,423 ft (434 m) 1,444 ft (440 m)
Take off run (water) 1,189 ft (363 m) 1,392 ft (425 m)
Take off run over 50 ft obstacle (water) 1,833 ft (559 m) 2,098 ft (640 m)
Rate of climb (per/min) 1,290 ft (393 m) 833 ft (253 m)

Performance Comparison on Wheels

Fully Loaded Performance Data Typical Load Performance
IO-580 at 3,158 lb GW IO-540 at 3,100 lb GW IO-580 at 2,839 lbs GW
Engine Lycoming IO-580 (315 HP) Lycoming IO-540 (230 HP) Lycoming IO-580 (315 HP)
Take off run (land) 640 ft (195 m) 795 ft (243 m) 410 ft (125 m)
Take off run over 50 ft obstacle (land) 1,292 ft (394 m) 1,514 ft (462 m) 908 ft (277 m)
Rate of Climb (per/min) 1,426 ft (434 m) 924 ft (281 m) 1,600 ft (488 m)
Cruise Speed (80% Power at 6,000 ft) 171 MPH (149 KTAS) 161 MPH (140 KTAS) 175 MPH (152 KTAS) (75% Power at 3,000 ft)
Fully Loaded” VS “Typical Load” Performance Data: For FAA certification of new modifications Wipaire performs extensive performance tests with the aircraft loaded to gross weight. This certification data represents the minimum performance expected out of an aircraft loaded to maximum gross weight. In order to better represent the level of performance most pilots will see we are providing performance specs taken with a “typical load” of pilot, co-pilot, 60 gallons of fuel and testing instrumentation. This gave us a weight of 2,839 lbs.

REad MOre About the IMpressive Boss 182

Read the Plane & Pilot Cover Story About the Boss 182

Read the AOPA Pilot Article About the Boss 182

Read the Water Flying Cover Story About the Boss 182

The Benefits of the Modern Cessna 182S & 182T

There are many reasons besides Boss 182 eligibility to consider an S or T model over the older generation Cessna 182 models. Some of the benefits include:

  • Full internal corrosion proofing using the most up-to-date epoxy-based primers and stainless cables
  • A modern avionics suite and instrument panel layout with warning panel
  • Improved, modern autopilot (usually with altitude pre-select and hold)
  • Interior seating (usually leather) with crash worthiness standards that meet the newer Part 23 crash standards
  • An up-to-date airframe with all of the latest structural improvements, including wet wing and fuselage access panels
  • Twice as many fresh air vents, for the utmost in pilot and passenger comfort

Feedback From the Field

“My favorite feature on wheels is its inherent stability and ground handling. On floats it’s amazing. It comes off the water really sharp. You don’t ever have to wonder ‘at what point will it fly,’ it just gets on step and goes.

I highly recommend the Boss 182, and I recommend it whether you’re going to put it on fat tires, float it, or leave wheel pants on it.”

– M. Holt, Boss 182 Owner & Operator

Customize Your Boss 182

ADd Wipline 3000 Floats

No other float available for the Cessna 182 can match the performance and engineering of the Wipline 3000 float. Whether your dream is to fly to remote glacier lakes or island beaches, Wipaire can equip your Skylane with the versatility you need. These outstanding performers are ruggedly durable and ready to give you the freedom to explore.

Take Advantage Of Coordinated Services

Minimizing AOG time with a coordinated service experience and one-stop nose to tail repair, refurbishment and modifications.

  • Simplified Coordination of Services
  • Comprehensive Facilites
  • Maintenance, Paint, Interiors & Avionics in One Location
  • Ferry Service Available
  • Reputation for Quality and Convenience






Installation, Upgrades & Repairs


Custom Interiors, Repairs & Refurbishment


Strip & Refinish, Float Matching & Repairs


Annuals, Pre-Buys, Repair & Restoration


Center Bench Seat

Increase the comfort of your passengers and add a seat with the center bench seat modification for the Beaver. Our full service interiors department ensures your new seat fits perfectly with your interior.

Gross Weight Increase to 5,600 lbs

Are you tired of watching your weight?

Want to stay legal and in the good graces of your insurance company?

This modification will increase your useful load by 230 to 510 pounds and eliminate the need to use tip fuel. The kit works for landplanes, seaplanes or amphibians equipped with Wipline or Edo 4930 floats. Because our kit was developed from actual structural tests, it is more efficiently designed and requires less parts and installation time to install than the competition. Better yet, it comes with the exclusive Wipaire flow generator kit to enhance the safety of your Beaver during flight near the stall speed and maintain full aileron control. Call us or fly-in today to learn more about this exciting product which is sure to enhance your investment and your total flying experience.

Hartzell Trailblazer Propeller Upgrade

The new carbon fiber composite Hartzell Trailblazer series 84″ propeller is available for Cessna T206H models in both landplane and seaplane configurations. Benefits of the Trailblazer propeller include a significant weight reduction, improved take-off performance and no RPM limitation. This propeller is truly a powerhouse that will help you get the best performance possible out of your Cessna T206H.

  • Durable, field-replaceable nickel cobalt leading edge
  • Nickel erosion screen for foreign object damage protection
  • Thinner blade with a wider chord for improved performance
  • Designed to be quieter than comparable propellers
  • Carbon fiber composition is 5-10x stronger than natural fiber propeller cores
  • 19.2 lbs lighter than the Hartzell aluminum floatplane prop
  • 8.9 lbs lighter than the McCauley landplane prop