Float Service Letters

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Floats Service Letter Listing

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Select an Aircraft Model to View Only Applicable Service Kits:
No. Description A/C or Float Model Rev Date
1 Hydraulic Motor Circuit Breaker 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII    04/26/1983 
2 Main Gear Up-Stop Adjustment 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII     4/26/1983  
3 Nose Gear Trolley-Roller Interference 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII    4/26/1983 
4 Hydraulic System Pressure Relief Valve 3730, C185, C206, 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII      
5 Center of Gravity Limits C206 per STC SA18GL    11/29/1983 
6 5A3-399 Bushing Insert in Aft End of Main Gear Slide Tube 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII     8/15/1984  
7 Main Gear Oleo Shock Strut 6000A & 8000A Floats    12/26/1984 
8 Link-Nose Gear Truck to Ram 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII     11/25/1985 
9 Installation of diode for protection of hyd. pressure switch 3730 - C185, C206, 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII     
10 Install placard, “Flammable Liquids Prohibited” 3730, C206, 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII     
11 Installation of new electric hyd. pump motor 3730 - C185, C206, 6000A - Beaver MKI, MKIII, 8000A - Caravan    06/09/1987 
12 Water Rudder Repair 8000, 8750, 10000, 7000, 6000, 6100  01/02/2015 
13 Hydraulic pump motor All    08/04/1987 
14 Pump out tube – plastic All    08/13/1987 
15 Hyd. oil contamination in the landing gear hydraulics All    02/19/1988 
16 Pilot and Co-Pilot seat stop relocation Beaver MKI, MKIII    10/19/1988 
17 Installation of “Seat Locked” warning placard Beaver MKI, MKIII  08/60/2006 
18 Wipare STC SA1311GL (8000 lb. gross weight increase) C208 Caravan with 8000 floats    10/26/1988 
19 Proper engagement of the seat locking mechanism Beaver MKI, MKIII    10/27/1988 
20 Inspection of fuselage lateral support beam 8000, Caravan    01/15/1990 
21 Installation of AN hardware 4000's on C206 a/c STC SA1483GL     
22 Install front brace wire fitting C208 Caravan with 8000 floats     
23 Elevator trim circuit breaker, C208 Caravan with 8000A installed C208 Caravan with King autopilot & 8000A floats installed    09/23/1991 
24 Intentionally left blank      
25 Reinforcement of Model 4000 float hull bulkheads C206 or C185 with 4000 floats    05/01/1992 
26 Retract cylinder-main gear-3730 3730A - C185, C206  09/16/2016 
27 Reinforcement of glareshield and V-brace 4000 - C206    07/21/1992 
28 Nose and main gear ram update 4000, 6000, 8000    10/10/1992 
29 Install tinnermans – access covers 4000,6000,8000 floats    03/23/1993 
30 Install 675 SHP PT6A-114A -C208 Cessna 208 Caravan    06/06/1993 
31 Firewall Modification Cessna 208 Caravan    01/26/1994 
32 Install cover – wheel well 4000 Amphibs    03/01/1994 
33 Conversion of Model 6000 to Model 6100 Beaver MKIII  5/18/2022 
34 Nose gear shimmy info 6000/6100 Amphibs    12/05/1996 
35 Conversion of Model 8000 hull (Cessna 208) to Model 8000 (DHC – 3) hull 8000 floats    01/24/1996 
36 Rear strut – aft attachment – Twin Otter DHC-6 Twin Otter Model 300 with 13000 floats    12/04/1996 
37 Install oil filter for float hydraulic system DHC-6 Twin Otter Model 300 with 13000 floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
38 Revisions or additions to 2100 TSO float 2100 TSO floats    10/13/1997 
39 Conversion of 3730 float to 3800 float Cessna 185, 206    10/23/1997 
40 Install Model 2100 float – PA-18 Piper PA-18 with 2100 floats    11/04/1997 
41 Install nose wheel plunger 2100/2350 floats    07/27/1998 
42 Firewall Modification – Plate Caravan 208/ with 8000 floats    04/26/1999 
43 New Wheel and Brake Assembly 3000, 3450, 6000, 8000, 13000 Amphibious Floats    12/21/2017 
44 Firewall Modification – Fitting Lower Firewall Caravan 208/ with 8000 Floats    03/24/2000 
45 Modification – Main Landing Gear 3450 Floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
46 Modification – Main Landing Gear 3000 Floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
47 Hinged Access Doors And Baggage Bay Floor Installation 13000 Floats  5/23/2024 
48 Superseded by SL #112 – Addition of Hydraulic Accumulator Wipline 2100, 2350, 3000 and 3450 series amphibious floats  OBS  5/21/2019 
49 Placard-Floatplane Airspeed Limitations PA-18 Floatplane    09/04/2001 
50 Inspection of aircraft skin rivet head interference, on float cross wire pulls. C206    11/06/2000 
51 Modification-Foam filled float Boosters 2100 & 2350 Floats  07/13/2005 
52 Modification – Main Landing Gear 2100 & 2350 Floats    04/25/2002 
53 Installation – Chinese Baggage placards 8000 Floats    06/03/2002 
54 Installation – Shock Strut – Metering Tube 8000 Floats    06/17/2002 
55 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Replacement 2100A, 2350A Floats    02/18/2003 
56 Main Landing Gear Shock Strut Replacement 3000A, 3450A Floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
57 Axle – Nose Gear Trolley – Replacement 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, 3450A    10/01/2003 
58 208 Seaplane Float Spreader Bars – Heavy Duty 8000 Floats    10/01/2002 
59 Removal of Main Gear Tunnel for 13000 Seaplane Floats 13000S, DeHavilland DHC-6  9/7/2022 
60 Installation of Pressure Switch Diode 3730 A Floats    06/16/2003 
61 Main Gear Roller Inspection / Torque Arm Replacement 3000, 3450 A Floats    08/28/2003 
62 Nose Wheel Shimmy WIPLINE 2100/2350 SERIES AMPHIBIOUS FLOATS  OBS  4/15/2019 
63 Addition of vent ball stop AT-802A Fire Boss    04/06/2004 
64 PA-18 Wide Body Cub modification for 2000lb gross weight, landplane and floatplane. PA-18 Wide Body Cub    05/24/2004 
65 #7 Bulkhead 3000 - 3450    02/03/2005 
66 Nose wheel shimmy Wipline 2100, 2350, 3000 and 3450 series amphibious floats    09/09/2004 
67 Model 2100 and 2350 weight revision. Model 2100 and 2350 floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
68 Model 3000 and 3450 weight correction. Model 3000 and 3450 floats  OBS  4/15/2019 
69 Replacement of main gear drag link bearings 2100/2350, 3000/3450  07/20/2005 
70 Installation — NAS bolts – Aux Fin – Stabilizer A/C with 10000 floats:    12/27/2004 
71 AT-802 Inspection for Cracks AT-802 aircraft with Wipaire 10000 Floats  04/06/2006 
72 802 Air Tractor Float Longeron and Float Bracket Repair AT-802 aircraft with Wipaire 10000 Floats  04/06/2006 
73 Aviat A-1 operation at A-1A Gross Weight through Aviat Service Bulletin 13 Aviat Husky A-1 on 2100 floats    03/01/2005 
74 Removal of Horizontal Panel and Trunion on 13000 Seaplane Floats for Weight Reduction 13000S, DeHavilland DHC-6  9/7/2022 
75 Model 2100 and 2350 weight correction Model 2100 and 2350 floats - OBSOLETE  OBS  06/27/2005 
76 AT-802 Fireboss Finlet Inspection & Repair Air Tractor AT-802 & AT-802A, 10000A  OBS  7/18/2024 
77 Updates for the Husky Long Flap Installation Husky A-1B with 110" Flaps and 2100 Floats  01/27/2006 
78 AT-802 Fire Boss brake line lengthening 10000 Amphibious Floats    04/06/2006 
79 AT-802 Fire Boss Gear Position Switch Brackets 10000 Amphibious Floats  6/21/2019 
80 AT-802 Fire Boss Slide Tube Corrosion 10000 Amphibious Floats    04/06/2006 
81 AT-802 Adding Larger Water Rudder Stop on Aft Bulkhead 10000 Amphibious Floats  10/17/2019 
82 AT-802 Fire Boss Forward Upper Brace Supports 10000 Amphibious Floats    05/31/2006 
83 AT-802 Fire Boss Shock Strut T-Seal Change 10000 Amphibious Floats    06/30/2006 
84 Intentionally left blank      
85 Baggage Door Lip and Sealing 2100, 2350, 3000, 3450, 6000, 8000 Floats    06/30/2006 
86 Cessna 206H Drain Hole Grommets All 206 STC Applicable Float Sizes    07/20/2006 
87 Inspection Cover Upgrade All 2100, 2350, 3000, 3450 Amphib and Seaplane Floats    08/30/2006 
88 Cessna 172 Heavier Drag Wire Brace Cessna 172,172XP - 2100, 2350 Floats    09/05/2006 
89 Installation Fuselage Frame Tubing Repair and Installation Revised Kicker Strut Air Tractor AT-802A - 10000 Float  09/25/2008 
90 Installation of Additional Filters for the Scoop Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Air Tractor AT-802A - 10000 Float    01/25/2007 
91 Installation of Modified Main Wheel Seals Air Tractor AT-802A, de Havilland DHC-6- 10000 Float, 1300 Float    01/25/2007 
92 Air Tractor Float Brackett Welding Repair, S/N 217 and Similar – OBSOLETE Air Tractor AT-802A - 10000 Float  OBS  7/11/2019 
93 AT-802 Asymmetric Scoop Position Indicator Upgrade Air Tractor AT-802A - 10000 Float  9/26/2019 
94 Fire Boss Foam Tank Securing Air Tractor AT-802A - 10000 Float  08/03/2010 
95 Slide Tube End Machining Repair Cessna 208 Caravan - 8000 Amphibious Floats    06/01/2007 
96 Caravan Under-Wing Mounted Hobbs Meter Switch Cessna 208 Caravan    08/14/2007 
97 Nose and Main Gear Actuator Replacement 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, 3450A  12/6/2023 
98 Main Gear Ram Inspection and Improvement All Amphibious 6100, 8000, 10000, 13000 Floats  8/9/2022 
99 T-Seal Upgrades for Main Gear Ram and Nose Actuator 6100, 8000, 10000, 13000 Amphib floats  2/3/2021 
100 Retrofit step-struts for a grease hole 3450, 8000, 9000 13000 Amphib. and Seaplane floats  06/25/2008 
101 Wipline 10000 Floats Baggage Floor Repair Wipline 10000 Floats  11/26/2008 
102 Wipaire Gear Advisory System Placard All  11/19/2018 
103 Fire Boss spin-on hydraulic filter revision 10000 Amphibious Fire Boss  04/15/2009 
106 8000 Water Rudder Pivot Shaft and Springs Inspection – Obsolete Single Otter, 8000 Amphibious or Seaplane Floats  A.1  OBS 3/1/2023 
107 Turbo Beaver AFMS change. 6100 Floats  06/15/2010 
108 Kodiak Top Arm Modification, 7000 Main Gear Quest Kodiak on 7000 Amphibious Floats  10/15/2010 
109 Heavy seas strut package option Quest Kodiak on 7000 Floats  OBS  5/23/2024 
110 Forward Strut Attach Bulkhead Fatigue Crack 10000 Amphibious Floats  11/03/2010 
111 8000 Float Water Rudder Lock Enhancement Cessna 208 Caravan 8000 Amphibious or Straight Floats  OBS  2/13/2024 
112 Optional Hydraulic Power-Pack Timer Relay Installation 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, 3450A, 6100A, 7000A, 8000A, 8750A  10/10/2024 
114 Grease Seal Vent Hole Addition For Main Landing Gear Bearings Amphibious float models 3000A, 3450A, 6000A, and 8000A  5/24/2023 
119 Reposition elevator down spring attachment tab. Quest Kodiak on 7000S or 7000A  03/30/2011 
120 Bushing repair for forward, lower center fuselage bow tie mounting plate 13000  04/12/2011 
121 Fuselage modification, Sta. 228, empennage/tail wheel attach bulkhead fastener replacement to facilitate inspection for AD 99-15-07 compliance Viking DHC-2 MK I Boss Beaver 6100, Ski Plane, Wheel Plane  08/03/2011 
122 Fuselage modification, “Jo-Bolt” installation for 5600 lb GW Beaver Viking DHC-2 Mk. I "Beaver" with Wipaire 5600 lb gwi, 6100, wheel plane and ski plane  08/03/2011 
123 Quest Kodiak modified axle beam bushing. Quest Kodiak 100, Wipline 7000 Floats  08/30/2011 
125 Bow Bulkheads, Lower Flange Reinforcement 8000    09/26/2011 
126 Stern Bulkheads, Lower Flange Reinforcement Fire Boss Air Tractor 802 & 802A with Wipline 10000 Floats  12/07/2011 
127 Nose Gear End Cap Cracks 6100A, 7000A, 8000A, 8750A  5/15/2024 
128 Main Landing Gear Gravel Deflector Installation 7000A, 8750A, Quest Kodiak, Cessna Caravan  11/3/2022 
129 Cessna 208 Drain Hole Scuppers C208 on 8000 Amphib and Straight Floats  03/29/2012 
130 Alternate Wheel Bearing Grease for Float Landing Gear All Makes and Models  OBS  1/14/2025 
131 Husky Model A-1B/A-1C 2250 Lb Increased Gross Weight Wipline 2100 Floats for Husky A-1B, A-1C-180, A-1C-200  IR  06/29/2012 
132 Large Water Rudder Installation Wipline 6000 and Wipline 6100 floats  06/22/2012 
133 Structural Reinforcement, Exhaust Deflector Installation Quest Kodiak 7000  04/25/2012 
134 Twin Otter/13000 Lower Bow Strut Fitting Life Limit Viking DHC-6 Twin Otter on Wipline 13000 floats  08/27/2012 
135 Large Water Rudder Installation Quest Kodiak 100 on Wipline 7000 Floats  08/01/2012 
136 3000/3450 Nose Box – Finger Tab Installation 3000 Amphibian and 3450 Amphibian  07/08/2013 
137 Installation of Angle Reinforcement on Model 7000 Aft Bulkhead Quest Kodiak 100, Wipline 7000 Floats  11/19/2013 
138 10000 and 13000 Nose Gear End Cap Cracks 10000A and 13000A  10/22/2019 
139 Main Landing Gear (MLG) Threaded Coupler 2100, 2350  03/15/2013 
140 Main Landing Gear (MLG) Threaded Coupler 3000, 3450  03/15/2013 
143 Main Landing Gear Proximity Switch 2100A, 2350A  10/17/2019 
144 Superseded by SL #182 – Drag Strut Attachment, Washer Replacement 10000 Amphibious Floats  OBS  5/21/2019 
145 Drag Strut Attachment, Top Deck Repair 10000A  12/21/2020 
146 13000 Bulkhead #6 Crack Repair 13000  04/03/2015 
147 Quest Kodiak Hydraulic Pump Electrical Wire Routing Correction Quest Kodiak 7000  04/24/2013 
148 3000/3450 Gear Snubber Addition and Actuator Part Modification 3000A, 3450A  09/10/2013 
149 Air Tractor Long Finlet Support Strut AT802A w/ PT6A-67F (1600 HP) AT802 (2-Place)With Wipline 10000 Floats  2/3/2021 
151 Replacement Grove Wheel 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, 3450A  3/18/2019 
152 Main Gear Oleo Cylinder Piston Movement 7000, 8750  04/01/2014 
153 Float Pump Out Tube Inspection All  10/24/2013 
154 Main Gear Oleo and Top Arm Replacement 8750A, 7000A  06/24/2014 
155 Front Strut Fittings Replacement 7000  12/19/2014  
156 Plugged Bulkhead Sealant Removal 7000A, 8750A, 8750S  03/19/2014 
157 10000 Bulkheads 8-12, Lower Flange Reinforcement 10000A  5/21/2019 
158 Superseded by SL #166 – Air Tractor Short Finlet Inspection and Support 10000A  12/30/2014 
159 13000 Scuff Plate Installation 13000  01/16/2015 
160 Anode Installation on Floats 13000S, 13000A, 10000A, 8750A, 8750S, 8000A, 8000S, 7000A, 7000S, 2350A, 2350S, 2100A, 2100S  10/27/2022 
161 3450 Snubber Mount Repair 3000A, 3450A  06/15/2015 
162 Main Gear Actuator Replacement 7000A, 8750A  08/24/2015  
163 8750 terminal strip corrosion 8750A  OBS  2/23/2024 
164 8750 Power Pack O-ring Replacement 8750A  10/26/2015 
165 Air Tractor Airspeed Placards 10000A  04/15/2016  
166 Air Tractor Short Finlet Support Strut Removal 10000A  12/04/2015 
167 10000 Probe Jack End Plug Loosening 10000A  04/27/2016 
168 10000A and 13000A Main Gear Drag Brace Tube Repair 10000A, 13000A  03/22/2017 
169 8750 Pylon Nutplate Corrosion 8750A  9/5/2019 
170 Air Tractor Empennage Cracks AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  10/24/2016 
171 8750A Main Gear Oil Bath Wheel System Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats  5/5/2021 
172 8750A Bulkhead 9 Cracking Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, Quest Kodiak 100, 7000A  8/14/2023 
173 10000 Bulkhead 7, 10, and 12 Stiffener Addition Fire Boss, 10000A  9/18/2018 
174 3000A/3450A Main Landing Gear Shaft Replacement 3000A, 3450A, Cessna 180 (through K model), 185 through E model), A185E, A185F, 182 (P through T model), 206H, T206H, T/U206 (through G model) Maule M6-235, M7-235, M7-260, M7-420, MT7- 235, MT7-260, MT7-420, MX7-235  10/22/2019 
175 10000A Forward Strut Spacer Installation Fire Boss, 10000A  01/05/2017 
176 AT-802A Electric Water Rudder Retract Fire Boss, 10000A  10/26/2018 
177 8750 Pylon Stiffeners Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats  07/14/2017 
178 8000 Baggage Compartment Tie-Down 8000S, 8000A - de Havilland DHC-3 Otter, Cessna 208 Series  12/5/2019 
179 Fire Boss Water Rudder Pulley Clamp Replacement Fire Boss, 10000A  6/20/2018 
180 8000A Main Gear Assembly Custom Washer Installation Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8000A Floats  6/30/2020 
181 7000A Bulkhead 16 Gusset Bracket Replacement 7000A, Quest Kodiak  11/27/2018 
182 Fire Boss Strut Attach Hardware Replacement Fire Boss, 10000A  5/2/2018 
184 8750 Baggage Foam Reduction 8750A, 8750S  6/3/2019 
185 10000 Nutplate Installation Fire Boss, 10000A  10/22/2019 
187 10000 Anchor Channel Installation Fire Boss, 10000A  2/14/2019 
188 208B 9,187 lb Gross Weight Increase 8750  8/22/2019 
189 8750 Amphibious Carry Through Strap Doubler Installation Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats  2/17/2025 
190 8750 Series Bonded Stiffener Corrosion Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, 8750S Floats  6/28/2024 
191 Fire Boss Water Scoop Switch Replacement 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  6/15/2022 
192 8750 Side Skin Step Doubler Corrosion Repair Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats  5/15/2024 
193 10000 FORWARD ATTACH POINT DOUBLER INSTALLATION Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A  11/7/2019 
195 8750 Mid Tie Down Cleat Installation 8750A, 8750S  3/14/2019 
196 10000 Bilge Pump Replacement Fire Boss, 10000A  10/22/2019 
197 8750 PYLON CRACKING REPAIR Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, 8750S Floats  3/25/2020 
198 Gear Advisory (AGAS) Retrofit All amphibious floats  8/14/2023 
199 Main Pylon Attach Point Fuselage Bracket Fire Boss, 10000A  1/21/2022 
200 8750 BRAKE LINE REROUTE Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats  5/23/2024 
202 8750 Pylon Hydraulic Routing Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, 8750S Floats  10/17/2019 
203 6100 Riveted Float Splash Guard DHC-2, 6100A  7/9/2020 
204 8750 Anchor Mount Installation C208, C208B  1/28/2020 
205 10000A Hopper Fill Control System Replacement Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  8/25/2022 
206 8750 Forward Spreader Bar Lift Support Replacement Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, 8750S Floats  6/13/2022 
207 10000A Hydraulic Pump Replacement 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  3/5/2021 
208 13000A Hydraulic Pump Replacement 13000A, DeHavilland DHC-6  3/5/2021 
209 Fire Boss AT-802 (Two Seater) Removal of Fixed Ballast Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  7/1/2021 
211 3000/3450 Series Bonded Stiffener Corrosion Cessna 180, 182,185, 206, and Maule M-6-235, M-7-235, -B, -C, M-7-260, -C, M-7-420A, -AC, MT-7- 235, MT-7-260, MX-7-235, 3000 Floats, 3450 Floats  4/17/2023 
212 2100/2350 Series Bonded Stiffener Corrosion Piper PA-12, PA-18, PA-19, American Champion 8GCBC, Aviat Husky A-1, A-1A, A-1B, A-1C-180, A-1C-200, Textron Aviation 170A, 170B, 172 Series, 175 Series, 2100 Floats, 2350 Floats  7/24/2020 
213 Fire Boss Finlet Attach Bolts Reinstall 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  7/29/2020 
214 Pilatus 6100A Hydraulic Pump Replacement Pilatus PC-6, 6100A  5/7/2021 
215 DeHavilland DHC-2 Beaver 6000A, 6100A & DHC-3 Single Otter 8000A Hydraulic Pump Replacement DeHavilland DHC-2, Beaver, 6000A, 6100A, DeHavilland DHC-3 Single Otter, 8000A  1/18/2024 
216 Cessna 208 Caravan 8000A & 8750A Hydraulic Pump Replacement Cessna 208, 8000A Floats, 8750A Floats  4/29/2024 
217 Cessna 208B Exhaust Duct & Engine Cowling Repair Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, 8750A Floats, 8750S Floats  7/21/2021 
218 Cessna 208 & 208B Hydraulic Pump Replacement for 8750A Floats Cessna 208 & 208B, 8750A Floats  4/29/2024 
219 Quest Kodiak 100 Hydraulic Pump Replacement for 7000A Floats Quest Kodiak 100, 7000A Floats  5/7/2021 
220 Aviat Husky 2100A Hydraulic Pump Replacement Aviat Husky, A-1, A-1A, A-1B, A-1C, and A-1 with Aviat SB 13, 2100A Floats  5/7/2021 
221 Cessna 206 Stationair 3450A Hydraulic Pump Replacement Cessna 206-206G, 206H, Soloy 206H, T206H, 3450A Floats  5/7/2021 
222 Maule 2350A & 3000A Hydraulic Pump Replacement Maule MX-7-180B, MX-7-180C, MX-7-235, MX-7-420, MXT-7-180, M-6-235, M-7-235, M-7-235B, M-7-235C, M-7-260, M-7-260C, M-7-420A, M-7-420AC, MT-7-260, MX-7-235, 2350A Floats, 3000A Floats  5/7/2021 
223 Scout 8GCBC Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 2100A Floats American Champion Scout 8GCBC, 2100A Floats  5/7/2021 
224 Sealing 3730A Float Nose Gear Retraction System 3730A  1/7/2021 
225 Piper PA-12 & PA-18 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 2100A Floats Piper PA-12 & PA-18, 2100A Floats  5/7/2021 
227 10000A Floats Inline Filters Replacement 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  11/28/2022 
228 Cessna 172 & 175 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 2100A Floats & 2350A Floats Cessna 172 Series, 175 Series, 2100A, 2350A  7/13/2021 
230 Cessna 180 & 185 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 3000A Floats & 3450A Floats Cessna 180 Series, 185 Series, 3000A Floats, 3450A Floats  7/13/2021 
231 Cessna 182 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 3000A Floats Cessna 182 Series, 3000A Floats  6/10/2021 
232 Executive Interior Internal Seat Components Replacement DeHavilland DHC-6-200, DHC-6-300, & DHC-6-400, 13000A, 13000S, & Landplane  5/12/2023 
233 Cessna 170 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 2100A Floats Cessna 170A, 170B, 2100A Floats  6/10/2021 
234 Trimming of Fire Boss Interconnect Assembly Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  5/2/2022 
235 Retention of Fire Boss Hopper Fill Valves Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  1/14/2025 
236 Cessna 208 & 208B Executive Interior Internal Seat Components Replacement Cessna 208 & 208B, 8000A, 8000S, 8750A, 8750S, & Landplane  5/4/2023 
237 Cessna 185 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 3730A, 3900A, and 4000A Floats Cessna 185 Series, 3730A, 3900A, 4000A  9/22/2021 
238 Cessna 206 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 3730A Floats Cessna 206, 3730A Floats  9/14/2021 
239 Cessna 206 Hydraulic Pump Replacement on 4000A Floats Cessna 206 Series, 4000A  9/21/2021 
241 Cessna 206 Hydraulic Pump Replacement FWD Installation Near Wheel Well on 3450A Floats Cessna 206-206G, 206H, T206H, 3450A  12/22/2021 
242 Cessna 206H Soloy Hydraulic Pump Replacement Near Firewall on 3450A Floats Cessna 206H Soloy, 3450A  12/22/2021 
243 Hydraulic Pump Pressure Settings for 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, and 3450A Floats 2100A, 2350A, 3000A, 3450A Floats, Husky, Piper PA-18 Cub Crafters CC18, Scout 8GCBC, Cessna 170, 172, 180, 185, 206 Maule  1/5/2022 
246 E-Dump System, Water Rudder Retract Cable Interference 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  4/14/2022 
248 Water Deflection Panel (Bulkhead #17) Reinforcement Air Tractor AT-802, AT-802A, 10000A Floats  10/25/2022 
250 Fill Level Display Crack Prevention and Repair Air Tractor AT-802 & AT-802A, 10000A  1/19/2023 
251 Attach Points for 13000S Floats Beaching Gear Installation 13000S, DeHavilland DHC-6  5/23/2024 
252 Extended Baggage Sight-Gauge Hole and Reservoir-Fill Access Panel Modification Cessna 208, Cessna 208B, Extended Baggage, 8750A, 8000A  2/22/2024 
253 Horizontal Stabilizer Spar Cracking At Finlets 10000A, AT-802, AT-802A  3/5/2025 
256 208/208B on 8000/8750 Floats – Add Protective Sleeve to Water Rudder Steering Cable Spring Cessna 208, 208B, 8000, 8750  8/29/2023 
257 13000 Straight Float Keel Wear Strip DeHavilland DHC-6, 13000S  5/23/2024 
258 AT-802 & AT-802A on 10000A Floats – Fire Boss Ferry Fuel System Air Tractor AT-802 & AT-802A, 10000A  12/7/2023 
260 CANOE PADDLE / BRACKET UPDATE 2100A, 2100S, 2350A, 2350S, 3000A, 3000S, 3450A, 3450S, 6100A, 6100S, 8000A, 8000S, 8750A, 8750S  1/18/2024 
261 WIRE TERMINAL BLOCK REPLACEMENT Textron Aviation 208, 208B, Air Tractor AT-802 & AT-802A, DeHavilland DHC-6, 8750A, 10000A, & 13000A  5/31/2024 
262 3000/3450 MAIN GEAR ACTUATOR REPLACEMENT Textron Aviation 180, 182, 185, 206 Maule M-6-235, M-7-260, M-7- 260C, MT-7-260, M-7-235, M-7- 235B, M-7-235C, MT-7-235, M-7- 420A, M-7-420AC, 3000A, 3450A With Aluminum Main Gear Only  10/29/2024 
264 Beaver 5600 lbs GWI Rear Strut Fitting Shim DeHavilland DHC-2 MK 1 with 5600 lbs Gross Weight Increase on EDO 4930 Floats Only  12/10/2024 
266 MVP-50T Installs on Fire Boss Air Tractor AT-802 & AT-802A, 10000A, Landplane  2/19/2025